The Hidden Meaning Behind Actor Son Suk Ku’s Chewing Gum In “A Killer Paradox”

The director explained why it was important.

The cast and director of A Killer Paradox sat down for a Q&A where they revealed details about the thriller you might’ve missed, including the significance of actor Son Suk Ku‘s chewing gum.

Son Suk Ku in “A Killer Paradox.” | Netflix

Because various scenes show Son Suk Ku chewing gum, even on the drama’s poster, director Lee Chang Hee addressed viewers’ curiosity about the habit. It was a method to show two sides of the character’s personality, with the first being “how easygoing and composed Nan Gam is.

The habit also demonstrated “how tired he is” by emphasizing “how he can only function while chewing gum.

Son Suk Ku warned viewers to pay attention to the detail because it held significance to the character. He said, “Watch out for when he chews gum and when he doesn’t.

So whenever Son Suk Ku is chewing gum in a scene or deciding not to, it has a deeper meaning than viewers realize. The actor and the director planned it that way.

See them talk about the other details viewers might’ve missed or wanted more information about.

A Killer Paradox

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