Middle School Comes Up With Ingenious Way Of Preventing Tardiness…Using EXID

Here’s one good reason not to be late!

A new show has come up with a genius way to prevent tardiness. Tardiness Prevention Live invites an idol group in to perform for students who are on time at a chosen school.


The shows latest broadcast focused on the students at Yonsin Middle School.


And EXID secretly entered the school as the special guests!


Those who arrived early got to watch them perform.


But those who arrived after 8:30 were locked out of the auditorium.


They could hear what was going on and for some, their friends sent pictures showing them what they were missing.


But no matter how hard the students begged they were not allowed in!


Unfortunately for those students, that was not the only problem they encountered.

Much to the tardy students’ embarrassment, they were called in after the performance was over.


Some students were asked directly by the idols why they were late.

While others were given a punishment for not arriving on time. For instance, they made this girl dance to “Up & Down” with them!


After all that, these students will definitely not be late anymore!

EXID also made sure they promised not to be late too! And they wouldn’t want to disappoint these idols now, would they?

Source: Reddit (1) and (2)
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