The Heartbreaking Number Of Military Suicides Per Day, According To A Former Korean Soldier

They rarely make the news, unless it’s a special case.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of suicide or self harm that may disturb some readers.

Since Korean men are required to spend eighteen months on mandatory military service, one former soldier shined a light on what military life is truly like. In addition to experiencing bullying, they revealed that suicide was an everyday occurrence.

| Yonhap News

When Kelsey The Korean spoke with a male friend who served his military service in the special forces, he mentioned that suicide was common among soldiers. Kelsey asked for detail on the comment.

He revealed that at least two Korean soldiers commit suicide every single day during military service, meaning that between 730 and 1,095 Korean soldiers die a year from the unfortunate act.

The total was so unexpected that Kelsey reacted like many people would, unable to hide her shock. She then asked a question that anyone would: “Why isn’t that reported on the news?” The former soldier pointed out that it’s uncommon for it to do so, with special cases being the only ones that make headlines.

Between experiencing bullying or other factors, it’s unfortunate that families are being informed every day that they’ll no longer see their loved ones ever again.

| Kim Hong Ji/Reuters

Listen to the former Korean soldier shine a light on the lives that have been lost.

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