“The Return Of Superman” Park Naeun Falls Head Over Heels For ASTRO’s Cha Eunwoo And MJ—Her Father’s Reaction Is Priceless

She’s didn’t want them to leave!

ASTRO members MJ and Cha Eunwoo recently made a visit to the park siblings on the latest episode of The Return of Superman!

While younger siblings Gunhoo and Jinwoo enjoyed the company of MJ and Eunwoo, it was Park Joo Ho‘s daughter Naeun how fell head over heels for the two idols!

Throughout the episode, Naeun couldn’t help but gush over MJ and Eunwoo. Once it was evident how much Naeun liked the two idols, the camera caught the reaction of her father and it’s priceless.

Despite her love for the ASTRO members, Naeun, of course, chose her dad in a competition between the three. While she ultimately chose her dad, she made sure to show her affection to MJ and Eunwoo by grabbing them on the side.

Naeun continued to show her love through cute drawings and writing. On an adorable drawing she drew, Naeun wrote, “I love you Cha Eunwoo.”

The cuteness doesn’t stop there, Naeun even sat on MJ’s lap and made a cute video with him and Eunwoo!

Many found the friendship made between Naeun and MJ and Eunwoo to be very sweet. As many know, Naeun is an amazing older sister to both her younger brothers. Since she is always taking care of them, many found it nice that she had MJ and Eunwoo to take care of her as well.

Naeun loved both MJ and Eunwoo so much that she didn’t want them to leave in the end.


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