Super Junior’s Yesung Bawled And Punched A Wall After Experiencing Unfair Treatment In A Recording Session

It was a bad memory that stuck to him.

In an episode of MBC‘s Radio Star, Super Junior‘s Yesung bared his heart about several deep topics. From being cut from TVXQ‘s lineup to knowing that he wasn’t supported by his own company, he said it all.

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Towards the end, he even opened up about the time he was so disappointed, he cried in a staircase and punched a wall. It happened almost two decades ago prior to the release of their song “U” (2006). He apparently lost his lines while the group was recording the song.

I got all of my lines taken by my members. ‘U’ was insane.

— Yesung

This came as a shock to him considering that he sang most of their harmonies for over a year. Though only one sentence was assigned to him in “U,” he originally had high notes and other ad libs as well.

During that time, I sang all the harmonies until our fourth album. I only had one line in ‘U’ so I wanted to have a good flow and make it a good chance to shine for myself. We did the recording but without telling me, they switched all of my harmonies to Ryeowook and Kyuhyun except the highest notes.

— Yesung

Super Junior’s Yesung (Left), Kyuhyun (Center) and Ryeowook (Right) | SM Entertainment

As one of the older members, he tried not to show his immense disappointment in front of the younger boys. He knew, after all, that it wasn’t their fault that they were given his lines.

Of course, they felt bad for me, but as an older member, I couldn’t tell them. I had spent about 3 days without sleep to make the lines myself [then after they were taken away] I felt like I couldn’t do it anymore and ran to the rooftop of the building.

— Yesung

Oldest member Leeteuk was the one person who saw Yesung break down. He recounted the hard work the latter put in prior to the recording as well as the agony he faced afterwards. Yesung apparently “hit the wall” while crying because of the unfair treatment that he faced.

He stayed up all night to make his lines better. He would share it with me with so much passion. [Later] I found him crying on the stairs. I told him to go to the rooftop with me and he would hit the wall and cry.

— Leeteuk

Years down the line, he is now satisfied with how things worked out.

Check out the full video below to learn more about Yesung.

Source: YouTube
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