Wu Yifan shocks fans with his new shaved hairstyle

Known for surprising fans with his unconventional hairstyles on SNS, Wu Yifan posted commemoratory photos of his shaved look. 

In a series of updates on his personal Weibo account, he publicised his latest look and alert fans of his striking transformation as he shaved his hair off. With fans reacting to the bold and drastic move, it was later on found out that the look was achieved for his role in upcoming Chinese film, Mister Six. 

Meanwhile, in his latest legal battle with SM Entertainment, the artist has responded that the agency’s contract was illegal due to its length, therefore restricting his freedom. The legal battle for the nullification of his contract continues.

Image: Dispatch
Image: Dispatch
Image: Dispatch
Image: Dispatch
Image: Dispatch
Image: Dispatch

Source: Dispatch

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