9 Times Kim Jong Kook Proved Why He Is Called The “Commander”
In his appearance on Running Man, Kim Jong Kook has been named “Sparta-Kook,” “Commander,” “Mr. Capable,” and “Tiger,” and there’s a very good reason why.
With his pure muscle strength, his ability to quickly scan a situation, and his almost psychic intuition, his name alone has both the show’s guests and his fellow Running Man members shake in fear with only very few brave and strong enough to take him down.
Here are “10 Times Kim Jong Kook Proved Why He Is Called The ‘Commander.'”
01. Running Man vs Original Idol Team: When he picked up Yoo Jae Suk like a rag doll and proceeded to dip him in the mud like strawberry-to-chocolate.
02. Running Man vs EXO: Almost all the EXO members had a REALLY hard time outing him. (Though in their defense, he was in a corner…and had a hostage.)
03. Mission Team vs Chasing Team: Scared Song Ji Hyo so bad she almost had a heart attack.
04. Running Man vs ZE:A: When two strapping young men of ZE:A tried to push Kim Jong Kook out of the mud ring for a win, but couldn’t and only won by default – 2:1.
05. Blue Team vs Red Team: When Kim Jong Kook kept going forward despite a large group of people holding him back.
06. Athletics vs Theater Department: Actor Kim Woo Bin tried to surprise attack Kim Jong Kook, but got outed in an instant.
07. PD Kim Dong Wan vs Running Man + Kim Hee Sun When he pulled all of the Running Man members and guest Kim Hee Sun in a wheelbarrow/cart by himself.
08. Gary’s Family vs Jong Kook’s Family Don’t underestimate Kim Jong Kook’s strength. He picks up Yoo Jae Suk completely upside down in a wrestling game.
09. Idols vs Running Man: Idol Team was ahead of them during the race, but Kim Jong Kook closes the gap fairly quickly, placing Running Man ahead.