This Korean Doggo Is the Talk of the Internet All Because of His Hilarious Thumbnail Images

This doggo is famous for his hilarious thumbnail images.

In light of the quarantine measures enforced in multiple countries as a result of COVID-19, dog and cat videos are gaining even more popular than before.


But the channel called, “Mongja” is particularly sweeping the internet because of the dog’s hilarious thumbnails.

The channel is a very popular one with more than 500,000 subscribers and content uploads since July 2017.

In addition to the adorable videos, the channel is nicknamed, “thumbnail shop” because the main charm that makes this channel stand out from the rest are the thumbnails of the adorable doggo.

The thumbnails to the videos contain so much life and character that fans are comparing the dog to a real-life human.

Not only are his expressions on point…

But so is his behavior.

The thumbnails are so witty and original that it’s not even surprising that millions of viewers click onto almost every single video.

But that’s not to say the videos aren’t just as funny.


If you need a little pick-me-up, check out one of Mongja’s most viewed videos below:

Source: Dispatch
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