Netizens Are Reacting In An Unexpected Way To Block B Park Kyung’s Confession To School Violence And Bullying

Well, that was unexpected.

Block B‘s Park Kyung just confessed to the accusation that he used to be an inflictor of school violence and bullying.

| @qkrrud78/Instagram

In his Instagram post, Park Kyung explained that he got involved with delinquents as a student because he thought they looked cool and personally apologized to the victims.

| @qkrrud78/Instagram

But despite the news, comments protecting and guarding Park Kyung have been spotted on his social media.

| @qkrrud78/Instagram

On this Twitter post, some fans reacted to the confession to school violence and bullying with support.

| @qkrrud78/Instagram

Some of the comments include “It’s true you did something wrong, but I don’t love you any less“, “I think everyone at that age group goes through that at least once. I’m cheering for you“, and “I believe in you, Oppa“.

| @kyungpark1992/Twitter

On the other hand, other fans are demanding that Park Kyung clarify which parts of the suspicions are true and false.

| @qkrrud78/Instagram

Ahead of the confession, a netizen took to the internet to claim that Park Kyung used to drink, smoke, and make sexual remarks to female students.

Online Community

The netizen also added that Park Kyung stole money and personal belongings from other students and that they were afraid of his insults.

Source: Insight
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