10 Very Appropriate BTS Songs For Your Coronavirus Quarantine Playlist

When you’re stuck at home, what better song to listen to than “HOME”?

More and more states and countries across the world are forcing citizens into lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)—and there are certainly many downsides to quarantining. The upside, however, is that you now have even more time to listen to BTS. Here are 10 BTS songs with very appropriate titles for your COVID-19 lockdown playlist.

1. “Danger”

When you self-isolate due to the danger of COVID-19, listen to “Danger”.

You’re in danger right now
Why are you testing me?

2. “HOME”

When you’re stuck at home for days on end, listen to “HOME”.

We won’t talk but we’ll be comfortable
If only I have you, it’ll be my home

3. “Spring Day”

When you’re gazing out of the window wishing you could enjoy the fresh spring air, listen to “Spring Day”.

Past the end of this cold winter
Until the spring comes again
Until the flowers bloom again
Stay there a little longer

4. “Filter”

When you strap on that filter mask to brave the grocery store panic buying, listen to “Filter”.

To change your world, I’m your filter
Overlay me in your heart

5. “Airplane pt.2”

When you’re looking at those cheap airplane flights and cursing social distancing, listen to “Airplane pt.2”

It’s not easy
Failures and despair
But on a tired day, someone said
You’re a singing star

6. “Stigma”

When you’re judging the people out partying when they’re supposed to be social distancing, listen to “Stigma”.

Forget it,
what right do I have
To tell you to do this, or that

7. “Burning Up (Fire)”

If you contract the virus and feel yourself getting a fever, listen to “Burning Up (Fire)”.

Throw your hands up, scream
Burn it up
It’s on fire

8. “Chicken Noodle Soup”

If you’re eating mom’s homemade soup to help you get over the virus, listen to “Chicken Noodle Soup” ft. Becky G.

Chicken noodle soup
Chicken noodle soup
Chicken noodle soup with a soda on the side

9. “Blood, Sweat & Tears”

Whether you’re getting a medical blood test, sweating out the virus fever, or in tears from lockdown boredom, listen to “Blood, Sweat & Tears”.

My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath
Take it away

10. “Save Me”

When you can’t stand being cooped up any longer and wish BTS could rescue from the boredom, listen to “Save Me”.

Give me your hand save me save me
I need your love before I fall, fall

Source: Color Coded Lyrics and Genius


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