5 Most Romantic Gifts Dawn Gave HyunA As Tokens Of His Love

So… where can we find ourselves a Dawn?

In a recent episode of Knowing Bros, HyunA appeared on set with Dawn and showed off what a romantic, loving, and thoughtful boyfriend he has been to her for the past four years they have been together! While sharing the sweetest details about her relationship, HyunA boasted how these five surprise gifts from Dawn made her cry the happy tears!


1. Home-cooked Meal

When HyunA returned home from an exhausting schedule overseas, she came home to a delicious home cooked meal prepared by Dawn. She was deeply touched by how considerate Dawn is!


2. Mini-Fridge

HyunA shared that she had been looking into mini-fridges for some time before she finally decided on the mint-colored model she wanted. Dawn kept this exact wishlist on his mind and when the time came, he had it delivered to and set up at her house as a surprise!


3. Flowers

Dawn boasted his Mr. Romantic side by filling the mini-fridge with flowers for HyunA to find when she opened her brand new appliance. Just like the title of her new bop, Dawn showered her with flowers and love!


4. Chanel Necklace

HyunA also shared that among the flowers in the fridge was another surprise that had been on her wishlist for a long time! Dawn pulled out a Chanel brand necklace and bedazzled HyunA with it. Fact: Jewelry can never go wrong when trying to surprise your loved one!


5. Handwritten Letter

Of all the material things HyunA got though, she found Dawn’s handwritten letter to be the most romantic and genuine gift ever. She noted that he wrote, “There isn’t much I can do for you, but I will always try to support you by your side.” Sometimes, that kind of sincerity is all it takes!


Watch the full clip here:

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