10 Reasons Why We Ship BTS’s Jin With Himself

Here’s why Jin x Jin is the ultimate OTP.

Let’s be honest. Nobody in the world deserves BTS‘s Jin; he’s just too fantastic! Here are 10 reasons why “JinJin” is the ultimate ship!

1. Anybody paired with the one and only Worldwide Handsome Jin (except Jin) would automatically be the ugly one in the ship. That’s just not fair.

2. Not only that, they would also be the less stylish one…

3. …the boring one…

4. …the far less witty one…

5. …and the poorer one (probably).

6. Basically, one half of the ship’s self-esteem would take a constant beating.

Seriously, who can compete with this?

7. Plus, nobody makes Jin laugh more than Jin…

8. …and only Jin can truly appreciate “Jin jokes”

9. Let’s also not forget that ARMY is #1 in Jin’s heart. This could make other people feel jealous…

10. …but Jin totally gets it!


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