Here’s A Look At How (Un)Fair AOA’s Line Distribution Has Been Over Their 12 Main Singles

Just how fairly are their lines distributed?

AOA has been around for some time, and while they used to have 7 members in their main line-up, they’re now a 5-member group. Has the distribution of their lines changed over time? These graphs will show you! Each graph shows the line percentage that each member has had in each of their singles, and the final one shows their percentage over the 12 singles in total. So check them out and decide for yourself whether or not you think their lines have been fairly distributed!

1. “Elvis”

2. “Get Out”

3. “Confused”

4. “Miniskirt”

5. “Short Hair”

6. “Like A Cat”

7. “Heart Attack”

8. “Good Luck”

9. “Excuse Me”

10. “Bing Bing”

11. “Bingle Bangle”

12. “Come See Me”



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