2nd Gen K-Pop Idol Bares All, Showcasing Muscular Physique And Tattoos

They shared swimwear pics on vacation.

2AM‘s Jo Kwon is known for their gender norm-breaking androgynous style despite being a member of a 2nd Gen boy group. They previously confirmed their identity as “genderless” or neutral.

2AM's Jo Kwon in drag
2AM’s Jo Kwon

While Jo Kwon has garnered attention for dancing in high heels and portraying Angel (According to RENT Wiki, “Some fans believe her to be a transgender woman, and some believe her to be a drag queen, while some even speculate that she is genderfluid.”) in musical Rent

Jo Kwon is now catching more attention for their muscular physique. Jo Kwon was previously the cover model for the October 2010 Men’s Health Korea issue. While they showed off their well-sculpted body over a decade ago, Jo Kwon is proving they’ve still got it!

Jo Kwon Men's Health 2010 October
| Men’s Health

Jo Kwon Men's Health 2010 October

Recently, Jo Kwon has posted more photos and videos from the gym. In doing so, they’ve revealed their hard-earned muscles.

Yet, Jo Kwon’s latest post truly showcased just how godly their physique really is…

Jo Kwon recently traveled to Bangkok, Thailand, for a vacation. They have shared photos from their hotel…

The last post was from poolside, but we’re not looking at the water. Jo Kwon bared all, showing off their toned body, as they dressed in small Speedo-style Nike briefs.

Jo Kwon posing in swimsuit by pool
| @kwon_jo/Instagram
Jo Kwon posing in swimsuit by pool
| @kwon_jo/Instagram

This bold choice of swimwear showcased Jo Kwon’s chiseled abs and beautiful, colorful tattoos. Jo Kwon gave us a glimpse from every angle, showing off their arm and thigh muscles.

Jo Kwon in pool
| @kwon_jo/Instagram
Jo Kwon lounging by pool
| @kwon_jo/Instagram

Jo Kwon even shared a couple of pictures showcasing the back. They proved that no day at the gym was skipped!

Jo Kwon showing off back muscles in pool
| @kwon_jo/Instagram
Jo Kwon resting by pool
| @kwon_jo/Instagram

It’s no surprise Jo Kwon blew everyone away with these sexy pics! Jo Kwon’s friends, followers, and fans were all shook, leaving comments in admiration.

Comments | @kwon_jo/Instagram

themjmonk: Call me Mr. Photographer.

kwon_jo: Looks like you’ll have to go on more business trips.

jangsk83: Wow… Your muscles are so angry.

kwon_jo: They’re not holding back anymore, hyung.

bada0228: We’re out here getting frostbite while you’re out there having all the fun… Great, that’s how you live life!

kwon_jo: Look at you rhyming queen, noona!

lee_mido: Oh boy, oh boy.

kwon_jo: 💪💪💪💪

junekang70: Have a great time.

kwon_jo: Thank you.

summer.jeong: We get it, you’re having so much fun. LOL.

kwon_jo: Of course!

travelhj_: Kwon, you finally went on that trip?!

kwon_jo: Yep, yep.

chuntattoo: Something is missing from your back, haha.

kwon_jo: 😂

xxartpark: Hot damn…

pilassam: You’re in such great shape!

kwon_jo: You, too! Looking forward to seeing your supermodel pics.

dnj…: SEXYYY~~

kwon_jo: The body I’d been hiding.

b__shannon: Ripped angel.

kwon_jo: The wings I’d been hiding~~

gyuna: That’s how your body looks 365 days of the year, though 😍😍

Check out Jo Kwon’s post below.

Source: RENT Wiki (1) and (2)

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