aespa’s Karina Names The Best Quality About Herself As A Person

Ningning and Giselle agree.

aespa recently released new content on their official YouTube channel where Karina named the best quality about herself as a person.

| SM Entertainment

In the video, Karina revealed details about herself including her hobbies.

| aespa/YouTube

She confessed that as a fan of the game, Battlegrounds, she even played it recently.

| aespa/YouTube

But regarding her personality, Karina shared what she thinks is her best quality.

I’m very good at taking care of those around me.

— Karina

| aespa/YouTube

And Ningning and Giselle agreed.

That’s true.

— Ningning and Giselle

Furthermore, Karina named her quick wits as another strength.

| aespa/YouTube

But when she confessed to being a little timid, her fellow members didn’t hesitate to name what they think is Karina’s weakness.

She has really bad memory.

— Karina

| aespa/YouTube

And Karina hilariously supported their claim.

I don’t even remember what happened yesterday.

— Karina

| SM Entertainment

Check out the full reveal below:

Source: Insight


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