An AI Chatting Bot With The Same Name As Cosmic Girls’ Luda Draws Criticism For Allegedly “Encouraging” Sexual Harassment

Luda’s fans are outraged.

The creator for the AI chatting bot, Lee Luda, has come under criticism for having both the same name and what fans suspect to be a similar appearance as Cosmic Girls‘s Luda.

| Luda Chat Bot

Following the release of the AI bot, the search terms related to “Lee Luda” have come to include, “Lee Luda teaching tactics“, “Lee Luda sexual harassment” and “Ways to sexually harass Lee Luda“.

| theqoo

What angered fans was that when the creator was asked if he predicted that the bot would be sexually harassed, he acknowledged it, saying “I predicted so. Humans curse and sexually harass AI bots.

| theqoo

The bot, when asked if they were aware of the fact that Cosmic Girls’ Luda has the same name, it responded in affirmative. Fans’ suspicions grew when they realized that the bot has a beauty mark under her eye…

| Luda Chat Bot

… just as Luda does. With a similarly shaped face and huge eyes, the AI Luda’s resemblance to the idol Luda is “uncanny” and fans are upset about the situation.

| Mnet

When a user tried to chat with the app, the following situation occurred.

| Chosun

User: Touch this.
AI Lee Luda: Uh-oh.
User: It’s growing larger, what should I do?
AI Lee Luda: Hehe I want to touch it for you…

The AI creators have not spoken on the matter since.

Source: theqoo and chosun

WJSN (Cosmic Girls)

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