ARMYs Continue To Raise Anger Towards HYBE On The Alleged Mistreatment Of BTS J-Hope, Gaining The Attention Of Korean Media

Fans have been demanding a response from HYBE since J-Hope’s solo album!

BTS‘s J-Hope is an idol who never fails to make fans smile and puts 100% into everything he does, including his music. After the release of his album Jack In The Box, ARMYs have raised anger towards HYBE regarding their “Mistreatment” of the J-Hope.

Recently, Korean media has picked up on ARMYs’ grievances about the mistreatment of J-Hope by HYBE and BIGHIT MUSIC.

BTS’s J-Hope | @uarmyhope/Instagram

The issues regarding J-Hope even caught the attention of the Korean media outlet of TOPSTARNEWS, who shared an article listing the problems ARMYs have had with HYBE.

The main issue sparking the article was regarding an issue when J-Hope returned from Japan. The idol allegedly lost his luggage at the airport and had to settle the matter personally.

As one of the most prominent Korean celebrities worldwide, walking around unprotected may put him in danger. Many also believed that, as he returned from a business-related schedule, he should’ve had a manager or staff with him.

Fans have more concerns about the treatment of J-Hope by HYBE and BIGHIT MUSIC which is more than just what happened at the airport.

ARMYs have been sharing their concerns over the past few months about the treatment of J-Hope, and a lot of it started when the idol announced the release of his album Jack In The Box.

The cover for J-Hope’s album “Jack in the Box” | BIGHIT MUSIC

When it came to the album itself, ARMYs raised anger that to showcase they were sticking to their environmental policy, they only produced a platform version, lacking things like lyric sheets or even a CD. While it should be applauded, considering the numerous versions of albums released for other artists, it seemed unfair.

The contents of J-Hope’s platform album | Weverse

Even when the album was released, the platform copy was not available in huge US stores.

Although it was possible to buy it in Korea, many raised anger at the presentation. The platform album was a thin paper box with a QR code that was just tied to it with a rubber band, and it was placed with no description or promotion.

The alleged promotional setup for J-Hope’s album in Korea | @uarmyvibe/Twitter

Although ARMYs claimed the format would’ve been discussed with J-Hope, many shared anger at the lack of promotion globally.

If that wasn’t enough, many ARMYs continuously wanted to request to hear J-Hope’s songs on the radio. Yet, one US radio DJ revealed that they contacted HYBE for the file of “MORE” so that they could play it but did not get any response.

Tweets from a radio DJ sharing why he’s been unable to play J-Hope’s track “MORE” | TopStarNews

Fans also questioned the lack of social media promotion where HYBE and BIGHIT MUSIC failed to include a promotion schedule or change their headers/profile photos in the promotion of Jack in the Box. 

Along with the gap between the physical album being released two weeks after the songs, which impacted charting globally, ARMYs have raised concerns on social media.

When the article was shared, ARMYs shared their response to the article, with many asking for the company to address the issues reported in the article and that have been raised throughout the past few months.

You can read more about the initial issue below.

Netizens Outraged As BTS’s J-Hope Is Spotted Without A Manager At The Airport

Idols Done Dirty

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