BTS V’s Photo Was Mistakenly Used For A Seungri Scandal Article

ARMYs are asking Big Hit Entertainment to take action.

ARMYs are up in arms over a dire mistake made by a Peruvian news outlet.

La República, a newspaper based in Lima, is one of the two main national dailies sold all over the country. On March 14, La República released a story about the celebrities who have been rumored or confirmed to be linked to BIGBANG Seungri‘s scandal. BTS V‘s photo was mistakenly included in the lineup.


The photo, which appeared on the outlet’s Facebook and its website, is no longer on the website, but it remains the same on Facebook.


On the website, the original photo has been replaced with this one.


ARMYs who have seen the article have expressed their outrage on social media, and many are asking Big Hit Entertainment take action to stop these false rumors before they start.


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