Dana Reveals Her Weight And Confesses People Thought She Was Pregnant

“Wow, I’m really fat.”

Singer Dana has revealed her weight and showed her determination to succeed in her diet on the first episode of her reality program, Danalda.


A weight loss company had reached out to Dana offering to help with her diet project and guaranteed that they could help her reach her goal weight. Dana stated that her goal weight was 52kg (115 lbs), but confessed that she didn’t know exactly how much she had gained.

“I want to lose down to 52kg. I was so heavy so I didn’t have a chance to weigh myself. I’m scared to know.”

ㅡ Dana


Dana confessed that people often thought she was pregnant and that she could no longer fit into any of her clothes. This was the first time in her entire life that she had gained so much weight.

“After the change of season, I was trying on my clothes but nothing fit me. When I look back on old photos, I can’t believe I used to be so thin. I didn’t even know I was thin back then. This is the most I’ve ever gained in my life.”

ㅡ Dana


According to Dana’s InBody test, she weighed 80.2kg (177 lbs) at 169cm (5’5″) tall with a waist size of 103cm (40 in) and body fat of 40%. Moreover, she was classified as obese with visceral fat.

“You are considered obese with visceral fat. You have fat located around your liver, among the other organs. You must lose the visceral fat in order to prevent gaining weight.”

ㅡ Weight loss company


Dana looked dejected as she said to herself, “Wow, I’m really fat.”


Nonetheless, the singer was determined to succeed and took note of the advice she received.

“They said I should drink moderately and never skip breakfast. I didn’t know you have to eat in order to lose weight.”

ㅡ Dana


Meanwhile, Dana has recently been under fire for her behavior on a live broadcast session.

Dana Blames Fans For Failed Album, Wields Knife, Gives The Finger And More On Live Broadcast

Source: Sports Chosun and Star Today
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