Dispatch Reveals Full Chat Logs Between Goo Hye Sun And Ahn Jae Hyun Showing Their Love And Hatred

Dispatch revealed it all.

Dispatch has acquired and released a year’s worth of chat logs between Goo Hye Sun and Ahn Jae Hyun showing the progression of their marriage, from sweet love to bitter divide. The chat logs showed that their marriage was no different from any other couple. They were in love, they fought, reconciled, and then slowly drifted apart. Koreaboo has translated all of the text messages showcasing their love and hate.


The following messages from 1 year ago show Goo Hye Sun (GHS) and Ahn Jae Hyun (AJH) in their honeymoon phase, back when they were full of love for each other.

September 1, 2018

GHS: Honey, I’m going to sleep. I love you. Work hard, babe.

AJH: I’m not a baby. I just finished ㅜㅜ I love you honey. I have to go to work early in the morning again.

GHS: I love you. Sleep soon.

AJH: I love you. Honey.

September 10, 2018

AJH: (After sending a picture of the sky) It’s as pretty as your pictures.

GHS: I saw it. It’s pretty.

AJH: How pretty. Honey, are you eating meat?

GHS: Yep. I love you, honey.

AJH: I love you too. I’m going over now.

September 28, 2018

GHS: Honey, I’m sorry.

AJH: What are you sorry for?

GHS: I’m sorry for getting angry.

AJH: Hehehe It’s okay. Don’t be sorry.


However just one month later, their messages slowly started getting more hostile towards each other.

October 23, 2018

GHS: You didn’t remember that my mother is coming over this evening, right?

AJH: I’m sorry. What should I do? I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you well.

AJH: It’s raining and the weather is terrible. My heart also feels like the weather. I’m sorry. If you don’t want to see me, should I give (the thing) to XX?


Several months later, Goo Hye Sun was very curt and short with Ahn Jae Hyun after he brought a director from HB Entertainment to their shared house in Yongin, because they were causing a lot of noise late at night.

She sent the following message to Ahn Jae Hyun from the 2nd floor that night.

March 22, 2019

GHS: When you move out, please change the apartment so that it is in my name. So no one else can come over. Please.

AJH: What are you talking about?

GHS: It’s in your name so you are just bringing people over whenever you want. Please change it to my name~.

AJH: What do you mean? I invited him over because of tomorrow’s drama filming. I wanted to talk with him more.

GHS: It’s 3 am.

GHS: I wonder how little you think of me to do this. We live together. Right?

GHS: Try to think in my shoes and respond back to me.

GHS: What do you mean I think little of you?

GHS: I have nothing else to say so let’s stop texting. Don’t respond back. I’m going to sleep.


On April 30, 2019, Ahn Jae Hyun was out drinking with several staff members.

April 30, 2019

GHS: I don’t feel good about this. You didn’t call me at all, and now that it’s 1 am, you’re confidently telling me that you’re drinking

GHS: Am I an easy person? Stop disregarding me.

AJH: I’m sorry honey. We are all drinking together right now. I’m sorry.

AJH: I didn’t drink too much. I was more confident because I’m sober. I’m sorry.

GHS: When you come home, throw out the recyclables piled up in the shoe closet, the trash in the veranda, and the food waste in the kitchen

AJH: Got it.


Just 2 weeks later, Goo Hye Sun sent Ahn Jae Hyun messages hinting that she was lonely. Ahn Jae Hyun was busy away from home, fulfilling his various schedules.

May 12, 2019

GHS: After thinking about it a lot, I don’t think this is the right way to live. My love also grew cold.

GHS: I was thinking about what to do with Anju (pet cat). I will take him.

GHS: First of all, I’m sorry I have a lot of paintings in the house. I also think it’s better to just repay the money.

GHS: Anyway, I think I feel the same as you about this.

AJH: I understand. Thank you for taking care of Anju.


One week later, a similar conversation took place.

May 19, 2019

AJH: Hey honey.

GHS: Yeah. Honey.

GHS: I’m sad and lonely

AJH: I’m sorry

GHS: What are you sorry for?

AJH: For many things.

GHS: You are sorry you don’t love me anymore.

GHS: It’s so hopeless. Goodbye. I hope you meet someone nice.


Goo Hye Sun expressed her loneliness. Sometimes she was irritated with him. But then they were back to speaking with love for each other. Similar patterns were seen in their text messages between May and July of 2019.

July 1 was the problematic day, as it was Ahn Jae Hyun’s birthday. She revealed on her now deleted Instagram post some of his actions on his birthday.

He told me that he wanted to eat radish soup for his birthday, so I woke up at dawn to make it for him. But he only took a few bites and didn’t finish it. Instead, he left to go outside and have a birthday party with other people. Watching that, I realized that his love for me was far gone.

When I asked him what I did wrong, he would say that I wasn’t sexy. My husband told me that he wanted to divorce me because my nipples weren’t sexy. Even while we were together, he became bored with our marriage and would fall asleep while watching YouTube videos that only men who were bored with their marriage would listen to…

— Goo Hye Sun


Dispatch has obtained and revealed the text messages from what happened on July 1.

AJH: The radish soup was very delicious. Thank you.

GHS: No problem~ Happy happy birthday.

AJH: Thank you. It really was delicious.

GHS: That’s right. I’ll make it for you more often after your diet is over.

AJH: Okay~


Goo Hye Sun prepared his birthday meal since dawn. Ahn Jae Hyun enjoyed his meal, but it was unable to be deciphered from text messages whether he ate just a few bites or the whole bowl.

Up until 1 pm that day, there were no issues, until she saw a clip of his surprise birthday party around 2 pm. She blew up over text.

GHS: So you were late last night because you were out at (your stylist)’s house, shaking your butt, having fun, and then going out to drink with those people.

GHS: And when you came home, you were so desperate to get a divorce. It’s so off-putting, really. Why did you even come home?

GHS: It’s such a shame for my hands that were busy since this morning making your radish soup.

GHS: You pinched my nipples all those times but now you’re saying that you want a divorce because I’m not sexy enough? If you want to be respected in life, you need to respect your wife first.

AJH: That (birthday video) was from today.

GHS: I got neurosis when you said you wanted a divorce.

AJH: I went to get clothes fitted but they threw a party there.

GHS: You’re being so blunt with me. If you’re going to be like that, why did you come home? You looked so excited there.

AJH: Sigh…

AJH: I’m sorry I’m different at home compared to outside.

AJH: I’m at a reading right now. Let’s talk later.

Ahn Jae Hyun later tried to call Goo Hye Sun, but she refused to answer his call.


Later that night, the two continued their conversation that began in the afternoon.

GHS: Can we text?

AJH: I don’t want to.

GHS: Why?

GHS: Why are you saying you won’t text after you said you were sorry for being different at home compared to outside? I can’t talk on the phone right now.

GHS: I’m not comfortable speaking on the phone.

AJH: The reading is done, and we finished eating. Now we are going out for Round 2 for drinks.

GHS: I put up with you singing songs about getting a divorce as soon as you came back yesterday. My heart was about to explode with frustration while making you the soup that morning. But I held it in. Because it was your birthday.

GHS: And then I saw the video of you and exploded.

GHS: You drank with them yesterday. Right?

AJH: Yes. I had a meal with the staff. I wasn’t able to eat lunch because of work. And then I ate dinner.

GHS: And then you came home drunk and ordered me to cut you watermelon.

GHS: I cut myself with the knife but you pretended not to know and then begged for a divorce cause I wasn’t sexy?

AJH: You’re only saying things to your advantage.

GHS: To my advantage? I’m telling you the facts. What did I do wrong?

GHS: What did I do wrong? I’m curious.

AJH: I ordered you to cut watermelon?

GHS: Yeah. You said, cut this.

AJH: Honey, If you hate me, just say you hate me.

AJH: What demand, really. You’re not even the type to listen to demands.

AJH: We laughed and talked. But now you’re saying that I ordered you around.

AJH: Yeah, it’s different and different but. I don’t know what to say.

AJH: It’s a bit much to have to hear something like this on my birthday.

AJH: You didn’t even pick up the phone. What story do you want to hear and what apology do you want to receive?

GHS: I had to hear about divorce on the birthday.

AJH: I said that on your birthday?

GHS: No. Yours. XXX (omitted)


Goo Hye Sun began posting screenshots of her text messages with Ahn Jae Hyun on her own Instagram starting on August 18. She has claimed things such as “he said she wasn’t sexy“, “talking with other women while drunk“, and “not spending time at home”.

Nearly everything known about their divorce scandal has been released through Goo Hye Sun’s point of view.

A forensics search of Ahn Jae Hyun’s phones revealed no particular conversations with other women. No texts were revealed to have questioned his relationship. However, Goo Hye Sun revealed that Ahn Jae Hyun has changed his phone 3 times in 2019 alone, and that he cheated on her.


There was also the issue of “loss of trust”. Starting on July 11, 2019, the idea of trust was being brought up in their text messages.

July 11, 2019

GHS: Yesterday, you said you went to Dongbaek in Yongin.

GHS: Why did you meet Kyuhyun?

AJH: We met around dinner time after I picked up my medicines.

GHS: Are we really a married couple? This is too much.

GHS: I was considerate for you wanting to stay in Cheongdam-dong so you could act well, but if you’re going to live however you want, come back home.

GHS: And in the future, tell me the truth about where you are going. Through text.

GHS: When are you going to be back? Decide a time.

GHS: And I don’t like it when you to go your stylist’s house without your manager.

GHS: I’d like it if you don’t go there.

AJH: Okay. I get it.

GHS: Pack up your stuff and come back next Monday.

GHS: Why aren’t you responding?

AJH: I’m thinking right now.

GHS: This is why I’ve lost trust. How many times has it been now? And you’re still just thinking?

GHS: It’s come to a situation where I can’t respect your opinions anymore.

GHS: I wish you understand that by allowing you to live alone in hopes that you act well wasn’t meant for you to live however you wanted.

GHS: Then when will you be back?

GHS: Did you share these messages with XX?

AJH: Why would I share them?

GHS: Exactly, so don’t do things that can cause misunderstandings.

GHS: When will you be back?

GHS: Why are you making me wait for a response? Can’t you reply faster?

AJH: I want to stay here longer.

GHS: You can’t do that. If you’re going to keep living like this.

GHS: You’ve already lost my trust.

AJH: I’m going to stay here at least until the end of the drama.

GHS: Then can you change your behavior?

AJH: What behavior?

GHS: Text me what you are doing and who you are with from the moment you wake up until you sleep.

AJH: I understand. Okay.

GHS: Focus on your acting and be aware of me by letting me know every detail.

AJH: I understand. Okay.

GHS: Why aren’t you saying anything?

AJH: I’m just reading the script right now.

GHS: With who and where?

AJH: I’m in Cheongdam by myself.

GHS: You said you would tell me if you went somewhere else.

AJH: I got here earlier. When you texted me during the day.

GHS: Don’t forget to text me.

GHS: This is because I can’t trust you anymore. I hope you do your best.

AJH: Okay I got it.


One week later, they talked more in depth about their possible divorce.

July 19, 2019

GHS: Honey.

AJH: Yeah?

GHS: Why did you change? It’s because of me, isn’t it. Where did my kindhearted and cute honey go?

AJH: Are you drinking?

GHS: No. Just chilling. We had fun together.

AJH: I thought you were drinking.

GHS: You must have been unhappy. Where did the frivolous dork go. Where did my gentle boy go. Where did the boy who was good to me go.

AJH: You must have been depressed when we lived in Yongin.


Continuing on their conversation on July 19, 2019, Goo Hye Sun’s messages revealed she still had feelings for Ahn Jae Hyun, but his feelings had changed.

GHS: Honey. We were happy. Were you depressed because of your own personal relationships getting complicated?

AJH: I don’t know either.

GHS: I was so hurt. My heart. I don’t think I can ever forget it.

AJH: You’re right. You were hurt too.

GHS: I cried so much that my heart ripped. Is that why you changed?

AJH: I can’t find a reason.

GHS: You’ve become too distant. The one who loved me is not there anymore. I don’t know what to do.

GHS: Give me money. I’m going to live alone. Live comfortably by yourself.

AJH: I should give you the money. It’s your dream.

GHS: When the building’s finished being constructed, I’m going to live in Yangpyeong. You can invite people to your apartment however you want and live freely.


Another week later, on July 25, 2019, Goo Hye Sun told Ahn Jae Hyun she wouldn’t get divorced from him.

July 25, 2019

GHS: I don’t want to get divorced.

AJH: I want to get divorced.

GHS: Have you made up your mind?

AJH: Yeah

GHS: Give me 100 million KRW.

AJH: Okay.

GHS: Honey. Why did you change? Let’s give it a try.

AJH: I think that will be difficult. Sorry.

GHS: I’m not going to divorce. I’m sorry. A divorce can’t be done alone.

AJH: Please divorce me.

GHS: I can’t as long as my father is alive. I’m sorry. Let’s just live separately as we do now.

GHS: I’ll live in the apartment until my house is built, so you live well elsewhere.

GHS: My father is the most important person to me. More than my own life. So I can’t get a divorce.

GHS: And the interior here. The interior at the Yongin house. Wages for housework. The wedding expenses. Donation fees. Give it all back to me.

AJH: I’ll give it all back.

GHS: Thank you.

AJH: All…


Goo Hye Sun had one more condition for Ahn Jae Hyun. She wanted Ahn Jae Hyun’s apartment as well. When he refused, she denied the divorce.

GHS: Then will you give me the apartment too? You can raise money and buy a new one.

AJH: I don’t have enough money yet.

GHS: You can earn more. You said you would give me everything? You said you will give me everything if we divorce, right?

AJH: I don’t have money.

GHS: Give me everything. I’ll divorce you when my father passes away.

GHS: Do you think divorce is easy? You immature person.

GHS: Marriage is reality. You can’t just do what you want. That’s why I said no to dating but yes to marriage.

GHS: We are not regular citizens. Get your sense straight, man. It’s not like dumping a girlfriend. I don’t want a divorce.

GHS: I can just keep living here and that’ll be it. So you need to wake up.

GHS: In your life. And in my life,  don’t do anything rash or hasty.

GHS: It’s even harder to get a divorce when the reason is just a change of heart. I’m not going to divorce you. Remember that.

GHS: Find any lawyer. They’ll tell you what I told you. I already looked into it. You don’t even have to call or text me. Let’s live. Just like this. Bye~


3 days later, Goo Hye Sun changed her mind, agreeing to a divorce.

July 28, 2019

GHS: Let’s talk about the divorce. Call me. I’ve changed my mind. I’ve made up my mind. So call me.

AJH: I’ll call you when I get home. I’m on my way now.

GHS: Okay. Ignore all of the previous comments I made. I was angry or drunk. I was very thankful and sorry, and I loved you. I’ll move out of the house as fast as I can. Thank you for letting me live there.

AJH: I also loved you a lot. Don’t overdo it on the house.

GHS: No, give me a week. I’ll move out quickly. Then I will feel more relaxed. I feel like a widow here.

AJH: Move out whenever it is convenient for you.

GHS: Okay. I’ll do it as you say. I respect your decision. The rest is left up to me. I can do it well. Let’s cheer up.

AJH: Let’s cheer up! Thank you.


The next day, they moved one step closer towards a divorce, discussing how much money she would receive.

July 29, 2019

GHS: First, let’s organize the facts as “Ahn Jae Hyun wanted a divorce due to difficulties in marriage, and I decided to respect his decision.” And you have to give me alimony because I didn’t want the divorce. It will be hard for me to make a comeback for a while. How much money are you thinking?

GHS: I want it to have a reason. I think we should tell the truth.

GHS: They say it’ll be difficult for you to land your next job because of [the divorce], but on the other hand, I won’t be able to work just because of the divorce. Who would want me to work for them?

GHS: Wedding contribution costs ₩30 million KRW

Wedding meals ₩1.5 million KRW

Geumho-dong interior ₩28 million KRW

Yongin interior ₩8 million KRW

Geumho-dong interior ₩10 million KRW

Housework ₩29.2 million KRW

GHS: We were married for 3 years. I will only calculate 2 years of housework at ₩40,000 KRW a day. It includes taking care of the cats and other administrative costs. Furniture purchases, living expenses, food, eating out, I excluded all of that. I also excluded mom’s washing machine, the fridge, and the air conditioner. The total comes to ₩106.7 million KRW, but minus the ₩20 million KRW I borrowed, it will be ₩86.7 million KRW.

GHS: When can you send me the fees?

AJH: I’ll give it to you tomorrow.

GHS: Okay

AJH: I understand. That’s the most money I can give you.

GHS: Okay. I’ll have my things sorted and leave on August 5. I’m leaving Anju.

AJH: Where are you going?

GHS: Who knows? It doesn’t matter anymore.

AJH: I’m sorry, I understand.

GHS: I can’t release the news in a bad way. It hurts my heart. I will clear it up with “The marriage was a precious and thankful time.”

AJH: … Okay

GHS: Be happy. Don’t be sad. Be brave. You need to be happy.

AJH: You fool… I’m sorry.

GHS: What are you sorry for? I am the one who is sorry.

AJH: You’ll have a house to live in?

GHS: A house… I should find one.

GHS: How hard must it have been for you that you had to leave your house. I’m sorry.

AJH: My bank account is in the minus. It can go more into the minus, should I try and make it to -₩100 million KRW?

GHS: I would like for you to be happy. You are even more of a fool. What is that. It’s okay…

AJH: It hurts… I’m sorry.

GHS: Me too. It hurts.

AJH: I couldn’t be mature. I’m sorry.

GHS: Me too. I’m sorry I’m introverted. My heart hurts so much ㅠ I thought I could get you to come back if I did well. I waited and waited, but you didn’t come…

AJH: Mm… We had a lot of good memories, but there were also a lot of painful memories, so I listened to your song a lot. “Could We Have Been Happy”.


But then, everything went back to square one. Goo Hye Sun changed her mind again and claimed she won’t be divorcing, that she wanted the house, and such.

GHS: I’m not getting a divorce.

AJH: Why did you change your mind? I don’t want to live depressed anymore. I want a divorce.

GHS: You have always been depressed. It’s not because of me. The life you have been living is one of depression. It’s not something I made.

GHS: I’m not getting a divorce. Live away from the house like that forever.

AJH: I’m the one who is depressed, I don’t want to say that you’re responsible for it.

GHS: But I keep hearing that it is my fault. Recover from your depression.

AJH: Just let me go instead. I want to live alone


One week later, their fight continued.

August 7, 2019

GHS: Give me the house.

AJH: I already gave you ₩90 million KRW.

GHS: You had a change of heart, so leave with not even the clothes off your back.

AJH: I earned the money because I worked hard. Don’t you think this is too much? Does it look like I am full of cash?

GHS: I’m just getting the ₩90 million KRW reimbursed after spending it on you. Don’t you think you’re being too much?

AJH: I am already minus ₩130 million KRW.

GHS: Someone who was living just fine is now going to become known as a divorcee by the whole country. You need to leave with nothing.

AJH: Even if I sell the Yongin house, I’m in the red.

GHS: Then earn more.

AJH: What are you trying to do?

GHS: It’s not right for you to ruin my life and still try to take what you want.

AJH: What do you mean I ruined your life

GHS: Who are you to ruin my life?

AJH: Don’t make me the reason to everything

GHS: What is this. What did I do? Did you clean the house even once? I didn’t hear a single word of appreciation from you about working hard to take care of the house.

AJH: That’s why you took the money as payment for your housework. You demanded that I pay you for it. Why are you saying this now.

GHS: It wouldn’t matter if I was a normal citizen. I was paid for my work, not a divorce. Why get a divorce? You left our house so just live elsewhere. I don’t want to be a divorcee.

AJH: I wanted you to live comfortably with the pets so I left. You said you would leave when the Yangpyeong house was built. That’s why I left.

GHS: I’m thankful.

AJH: And that’s not enough? You want the house?

GHS: You said you it was because you wanted to focus on acting.

GHS: Give me the house.

AJH: Of course. How would I have focused while living there?

GHS: How will you pay me back for my loss of honor?

AJH: Why would you lose your honor?

GHS: Because of the divorce.

AJH: What does getting a divorce and losing honor have to do with each other?

GHS: Are we normal citizens? We are people who make money on our image.

GHS: We are people who live off of the three letters of our name. Why are you so immature?

AJH: Does a divorce make you disappear? I’m getting divorced too, yet I’m not saying anything about the loss of my image.

GHS: It was your choice for a divorce. I’m the person being harmed here. What will you do if I can’t work in the future? The divorce was your choice, so you can live your own life with your choice. But I am the the victim, so give me the house.


GHS: There’s nothing unfair about this, it’s more of you taking responsibility of telling the entire country you loved me. I feel so ashamed for you revealing these true colors of yourself.


Finally, a conversation between Ahn Jae Hyun and HB Entertainment CEO Moon Bo Mi (MBM) was revealed by Dispatch, showing that he talked with the CEO about his divorce situation.

August 9, 2019

MBM: She’s going on because you opened the door to (Goo Hye Sun’s house) and went in about 3 days ago… why did you do it?

AJH: I was trying to take Anju with me.

AJH: The door password was changed. She opened the door for me that day.

MBM: I heard you went to the apartment before the password was changed? To have a drink together.

AJH: What are you saying? (Taking Anju) was the first time I went back there. Ah, another strange thing’s being said…

MBM: It was either the day before or 2 days before you took Anju.

AJH: I haven’t gone back except to give her the (items).

MBM: She said it was about 10 times. She’s angry because of it.

AJH: The password was changed, how would I get in!

MBM: Huh?

AJH: I did not go there. Besides to give her the (item).

MBM: She said she changed the passcode because she was angry by you barging in asking to have a drink together.

AJH: I didn’t go back besides the one time I went to take Anju.

MBM: ㅠ

AJH: What kind of nonsense is that. I’ve always been with my manager

– Omitted –

MBM: (Here is a copy of what Goo Hye Sun sent me.)

CEO. I’m sorry to be sending you this while you’re in a meeting. A staff member called me to say that he didn’t only go out to eat with her, but they planned to to attend XXX event together, they bought train tickets to sit next to each other, they fixed their flight schedules to go together, and that they text each other all day long. I heard it’s 100% true. It would be nice if you were careful about this because everyone is misunderstanding the situation. I’m very sorry something like this happened, CEO. I’ll work hard. So the company’s image doesn’t get damaged. I’ll think about this more carefully and contact you again.

MBM: I kept telling her to trust me that you only ate with her once.

AJH: I’ve never had to go on a plane with her.

MBM: Train

AJH: I sat with her and the person who got the job for me for a short while. We sat together as three and then I went back to my seat.

AJH: I sat separately. I sat next to Kang Joon.

Source: Dispatch

Goo Hye Sun And Ahn Jae Hyun's Divorce

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