Many More Idols Have Come Forward To Raise Awareness About Australia’s Bushfires

They have stepped up.

Many idols are reaching out to fans to ask them to help Australia in their time of need.

Australia is undergoing their worst bushfire season in memory, and many idols have stepped up to help the country. Earlier, Jay Park and BLACKPINK‘s Rosé made posts via Twitter and Instagram respectively, asking fans to help by donating.


Other idols have also come out in support of Australia.

On January 10, Stray KidsBang Chan uploaded a post via Instagram about Australia’s dire condition on behalf of him and fellow Aussie member Felix.

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I’ll be honest. Felix and I have both been having a hard time being aware that Australia is under fatal circumstances. Australia has always been known as the country, home to not only exotic flora and fauna but to amazing people as well. It is also our home where we and both our families grew up in, a place filled with all of our childhood memories. Hearing the news about the unfortunate casualties really breaks our hearts and we are praying that Australia can get better soon. We would like to thank all of our friends, families and STAYs that are doing whatever they can to help out. Our land abounds in nature's gifts Of beauty, rich and rare If Australia suffers, we suffer too. ⠀⠀ #PrayForAustralia

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On January 9, MONSTA X‘s I.M. uploaded a post on Twitter asking fans to pray for Australia.


PENTAGON‘s Kino uploaded a post on Instagram, explaining Australia’s situation and asking fans to help by donating:

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[#키노] 안녕하세요 키노입니다. 현재 호주에서는 1965년 이후 최소 강수량을 기록하는 가뭄과 고온건조한 날씨, 강한 바람으로 인해 대규모의 산불이 쉽게 진화되지 않고 있다고 합니다. 서울 면적의 100배가 넘는 규모의 화재입니다. 6개월째 계속되는 산불로 인해 자연과 인명피해는 물론이고, 5억마리 이상의 동물과 곤충들이 죽어가고 있어요. 특히 코알라는 행동이 느려서 다른 동물들과 달리 빠르게 대피하지 못하고 약 40%이상이 떼죽음을 당했다고 합니다. 너무 마음이 아파요.. 수천 명의 소방대원들과 많은 예비군, 자원봉사자들이 힘을 합쳐 진화작업을 하고 있습니다. 저희도 함께 힘을 보태어 동물들과 호주 국민분들에게 도움이 될 수 있다면 좋을 것 같습니다. 지금도 전세계에서 많은 사람들이 마음을 보태고 있습니다. 코알라등 피해동물 지원은 Wires, WWF, RSPCA 피해지역 구호민 지원은 The Salvation Armys, Australian Red Cross, Vinnies, Foodbank 등 다양한 기부처가 있고, 네이버 해피빈으로도 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 주변 사람들에게 알리고, 진심으로 기도해주시면 좋겠습니다. 저와 함께 고통받는 작은 동물들과 호주 국민들에게 사랑을 보내주세요. 감사합니다🖤 사진 출처는 뉴스코프오스트레일리아입니다.

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Hello, this is Kino.

Due to its most severe drought since 1965 that is making the hot, dry weather worse, and because of the strong winds, there are huge, uncontrollable bushfires in Australia right now.

The affected area is more than a 100 times bigger than the size of Seoul. In addition to the damage to nature and the lives affected, over half a billion animals and insects have died because of the bushfires that have been burning for more than 6 months. Koalas, because they move slowly and are unable to escape the fires fast enough, have been especially affected, and reports say that ver 40% of them have died.

My heart hurts so much..

Thousands of firefighters, reservists and volunteers are all working together to contain the fires. I’d really appreciate it if we contributed to help save the animals and people of Australia. Lots of people all over the world are doing the same.

You can donate to Wires, WWF, RSPCA to help the koalas and other affected animals. To aid in the relief efforts in the affected areas, you can donate to The Salvation Army, Australian Red Cross, Vinnies, Foodbank, and many more organizations. Donations are also accepted through Naver Happy Bean.

Please spread the word around you, and it would be great if you would sincerely pray.

Along with me, let’s send the animals and the people of Australia some love, because they’re in pain. Thank you.

These photos are from News Corp Australia.




CIX‘s Seunghun revealed that he donated to the Community Enterprise Foundation.


I wanted to help the animals and everyone in Australia affected but the bushfires in any way, so I donated. I hope small hands can come together to make big miracles!




VICTON‘s Choi Byungchan also donated to the Community Enterprise Foundation.


I hope this helps at least a little.

—Choi Byungchan



Although not an idol, Australian native Sam Hammington also uploaded a post on Instagram about his home country’s circumstances, with a follow up post containing links that fans can visit to donate.


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호주 산불 기부 대한 질문 많이 받았더니 아래 링크 몇개 달았어요! I have had a lot of people ask about donations for the fires. So I have posted some links below.

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We pray for Australia.

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