“Single’s Inferno 4” Female Cast Sends Video Message To Dex After Being “Picked” By Him

Could sparks fly?

Single’s Inferno 4 has a whole slew of attractive cast members, but one of the most popular picks globally is Bae Jiyeon. She gained popularity for her baddie-esque looks and chic charms. While fans lamented that she was underrated and unappreciated in the early episodes…

Popular “Single’s Inferno 4” Contestant Believed To Be Overlooked Due To “Colorism”

…she found her match soon enough with Tehwan.

But fans have another ship for Jiyeon. Many think that she could be a perfect match with host Dex, who was part of a previous season on the show. Dex indicated his support for Jiyeon earlier on.


Fans also think that Dex could be interested in her.

Jiyeon responded with a video message to Dex in a recent interview.

Dex, thanks for looking upon me favorably. And I’ll be waiting for you right here.

β€” Jiyeon

Whew! Looks like Tehwan might have some competition.

Single's Inferno

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