EXO Chen’s Epic Save After Falling On Stage Is Making Everyone Go Wild

His save was so smooth it looked like it was part of the choreography.

EXO-CBX have been wowing fans on their EXO-CBX “Magical Circus” 2019 — Special Edition tour. Each and every one of their performances has left fans feeling breathless, but one performance has left many with their jaws on the floor after witnessing Chen‘s epic save after falling!


Coming back from a fall is no easy feat but when Chen fell during his solo performance of “Watch Out” during their latest concet,  he made the fall and recovery so effortlessly that it looked like it was supposed to happen!


Right at the beginning of his performance, as Chen was getting the crowd of fans hyped up, he lost his balance and fell.


But as he hit the stage, he quickly swung his legs up and propelled himself into a backwards somersault, popping back up seconds later!


Chen continued on as if nothing had happened at all and left the crowd cheering with his amazing performance.


Soon after the concert, clips of Chen’s fall and epic comeback started going viral online. Everyone was soon talking about how effortlessly Chen turned the bad situation into an amazing one!


His save is truly jaw-dropping, so check it out along with his outstanding “Watch Out” performance in the fancam below:


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