G-Dragon Makes A 2 Dollar Pair Of Socks Trend In Korea

G-Dragon’s influence over his fans knows no bounds… 

From rocking designer gear, unconventional styles and even camera filters. 

Here’s The Truth Behind G-Dragon’s Unique Phone Camera Filter

If he likes it, his fan loves to follow suit too!


A pair of socks featured on his recent Instagram account got the same effect. 

The black sock in the photo has the word “kekekeㅋㅋㅋ” and fans were utterly surprised to how much it really costs. 

A post shared by 권지용 (@xxxibgdrgn) on

One of his fans posted this proof online. Apparently, it only costs 1,900 won. 

The socks come in different colours with fun words embroidered on them. 

And fans love him for it! It’s affordable, trendy in true G-Dragon fashion! 

Source: Dispatch

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