Hit K-Drama “Extraordinary You” Under Fire After A Footage Of Rude Staff Goes Viral
Extraordinary You, starring SF9‘s Rowoon as one of the male leads, has recently found itself under fire after a footage from its college campus shoot revealed a production staff member being disrespectful to the students passing by the set.
In this short 6-second clip, a female voice — allegedly belonging to the drama production team — aggressively shouts at Dongduk Women’s University students to stop taking pictures of the set and stars.
남의 학교에서 학생 제일 많을 목요일 대낮에 촬영하면서 학생들한테 소리지르는 어하루 스텝들
– 언니들 구경 안하실거야?? 사진 찍지말라고 몇 번 얘기해!!! pic.twitter.com/dpnS96y6XH
— 꾸미 (@c_cxxn117) November 16, 2019
Extraordinary You staff screaming while shooting at our school on a Thursday in broad daylight when there are tons of students on campus. She’s saying, ‘Are you ladies going to watch? How many times do I have to tell you to stop taking pictures?’
— Twitter @c_cxxn117
As the clip went viral, other Dongduk Women’s University students also tweeted their unpleasant encounters with the Extraordinary You production team. A student by the Twitter handle of @sefgyu shared that the staff threatened to sue the onlooking students if the show gets spoiled.
온라인에 스포를 하면 고소할 거라는 말을 한 뒤 취한 협박적 액션에 너무 역겨웠다. 덕후인게 죄죠 그쵸? 아무리 내가 시청자고 소비자여도 힘은 너네가 더 세니까 그쵸? 매번 이런 일을 당할 때마다 정말 짜증난다.
— 셒규 (@sefgyu) November 14, 2019
The campus belongs to us, the students. The fact that we like the show and the stars in the show does not put you in a higher position than us. So stop speaking so informally to us, production team. What happened after is actually even more disturbing. One of the staff had a big DSLR camera. Then that staff suddenly aimed the camera at us and took our picture. It’s not like we agreed to have our picture taken for simply being there. They threatened to sue if we spoiled the show online. The aggressive behavior that followed was simply disgusting. That’s the price to pay for liking the show, huh? Even though we are the viewers and consumers of that show, you are still superior, huh? Every time something like this happens, it frustrates me so much.
— Twitter @sefgyu
Others, including @5hNeKbo8ktDXyhH on Twitter, revealed that the production team also smoked and littered on campus, showing no respect for the campus space.
우리학교 어하루 촬영왔는데 스텝 개별로다 학교 안 흡연구역 아닌 곳에서 담배에 쉬는시간 이동시간에 촬영왔으면서 학우들한테 조용하라그러면서 욕에 욕을.. 아 개싫다
— 메인트 확인요망)쿠야😷 (@5hNeKbo8ktDXyhH) November 14, 2019
Extraordinary You is shooting on my school campus today and the production team is complete garbage. They smoked in no smoking zones on campus. They kept asking the students to quiet down when they chose to shoot in the middle of the day when students have breaks and commutes. They cursed so much too… How disappointing and rude.
— Twitter @5hNeKbo8ktDXyhH
There has not yet been any kind of response from the series’s production team. As the frustration with the show grows, however, students look forward to hearing back from the Extraordinary You staff and/or the school to take some sort of action.
I hope the school does something about this. The students are rightfully there. They are also the ones making up the show’s viewer ratings. Are the staff members out of their minds?
— Netizen