Hyuna Revealed to Have Saved a Kitty’s Life After a Hit-And-Run

The poor kitty had a broken pelvis and back leg that required extensive treatment.

Hyuna‘s stylist, Jung Sul recently shared a story about how Hyuna saved a kitty’s life after it was hit by a car.

Via Instagram, the stylist revealed that she witnessed a horrific accident 2 months back.

Around 2 months ago, I was walking the streets when I witnessed a cat that was injured from a hit-and-run accident. It was completely run over, but it was trying to roll away to survive, and I couldn’t just ignore it.

– Jung Sul

So she put the cat in a box and took it to the veterinary clinic, but once she found out it would cost thousands of won (~$10,000s of dollars) to treat its broken pelvis and back leg, she didn’t know what to do.

But according to the stylist, Hyuna stepped up to help by connecting the cat to a veterinary clinic of SBS’s Animal Farm, which led to the cat being treated and discharged.


And when they were faced with the issue of finding it a home, Hyuna assisted with this as well.

Once it was all better, it had nowhere to go. So I had no choice but to look for a home for it. But Hyuna and Dawn, who were worried about its well-being the whole time, introduced the cat to a friend of theirs, so now it has a home.

– Jung Sul

The stylist expressed that she couldn’t be happier and that she is very proud of her friends.

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2달전쯤 길가다 눈앞에서 뺑소니 사고를 당한 길냥이를 목격했다. 차에 치이고 깔려서 다친 몸으로 살아 보겠다고 데굴데굴 굴러서 도망가는걸 보고 지나칠수 없어서 박스를 주워 아이를 담아 병원으로 데려갔다. 앞다리 골절, 골반이랑 뒷다리 골절, 앞다리 피부 탈락까지,,처음 데려간 병원에서 엄청난 치료비와 입원비 금액을 듣고 완전 난감했었다. 불쌍하기도 하고 집에있는 웅몽이들이 생각났지만 그렇다고 몇천만원을 감당할순 없었다. 그러던중 상황을 알고있던 우리 마음 착한 현아가 나서서 SBS동물농장 연계 병원을 알아봐주고 연결 해주었다. 다행히 노원 24동물 의료센터 한재웅 원장님께서 흔쾌히 아이를 받아주셔서 2달동안 치료와 돌봄덕에 건강해지고 퇴원을 기다리는 개냥이가 되었다. 그런데 다 낫고나니 이제 또 갈곳을 없는 신세라 여기저기 알아볼수 밖에 없었는데 구조부터 지금까지 같이 걱정하고 상태를 궁금해 하던 현아와 효종이가 지인중 입양을 원하는 분을 소개해주었고, 바로 어제! 2달만에 병원을 떠나서 새 가족을 찾게 되었다. 알지도 못하는 고양이지만 반려동물을 키우고있는 나와 현아, 생명을 소중히 생각하는 효종이와 노원24동물의료센터가 힘을 합쳐 작은 저 아이가 좀 더 나은 삶을 살수 있게 된것 같다. 친구들이 너무 자랑스럽고 뭔가 좀 행복하다😇 @hyunah_aa @hyojong_1994 #노원24시n동물의료센터 #한재웅수의사 #동물농장

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Source: Dispatch
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