NCT 127’s Taeil Was Ready To Throw Hands At Professor Johnny

Taeil just couldn’t sit back; he had to say something.

NCT 127 had their final session of American School 101, and Taeil ran into a bit of a situation that he didn’t know quite how to handle.


Professor Johnny asked them to explain what the acronym PBJ stood for. So, Taeyong, Doyoung, and Taeil raised their hands, with Taeyong incorrectly guessing that it started with “project.”

Taeil came close by saying, “Peanut butter,” but struggled with the last word. He went back and forth between saying jam and jelly. But, that was all Taeyong needed to shoot his hand up to answer correctly.

Taeyong yelled, “Peanut butter jelly.” Once Professor Johnny said it was correct, Taeil had a bone to pick with him, shouting, “Teacher, teacher!”

Then, Taeil repeatedly shouted, “I said. I said this.” And, everyone had a good laugh about his irritation. But, Taeil looked like he could’ve jumped over the table and gave Johnny a good shake for not giving him the credit.

After Johnny finished laughing and writing the phrase on the board, he pointed out that Taeil had originally said jam instead of jelly. And, Taeil couldn’t handle that no one was taking him seriously.

But, that’s NCT for you. Watch Taeil hilariously try his hardest to get credit for the answer here.


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