NCTzens Had An Emotional Day After NCT’s Taeyong Asks For Inspiration For Self-Composed Lyrics
NCTzens had a field day when NCT‘s Taeyong personally asked fans to help him out with some inspiration for a song he was working on. As someone that often works on music and shares it with fans, it did not come as a surprise to NCTzens that Taeyong was hunkering down in the studio. However, the sentimental way he asked for help made fans emotional.
Taeyong started off by asking fans for the moments that they recall when they are having a rough time. He sent the messages via conversational app, Dear U. Bubble.
When you are having a rough time, what are the moments you think of? For example, the moment before leaving to someplace, when you are in a train or off on a holiday, or when you’re with that someone. Or when you eat something, when you see autumn leaves fall. Let’s think of a moment like that. Don’t reply immediately – think about it for 3 minutes then send it!!
— Taeyong
Taeyong let fans know that the wasn’t upset at anything – he was simply being sentimental as he was writing lyrics.
I’m writing lyrics but if I think of something like that, I get both choked up as well as happy. It gives me many reasons to live. It lets me think of things like, ‘ah, so that’s how I’ve been living’, and that’s why I asked.
— Taeyong
What really sent fans over the edge was what he shared soon after. Fans began to emphathize with the talented singer who went through multiple hardships.
At first, I had a lot of greed, as well as passion and I had high standards for myself, so I was fussy and sensitive. But as time went by, I slowly let things go one by one, and whenever I did so, I became a little more at peace.
— Taeyong
Taeyong asked fans to share their thoughts and memories on Twitter, given that the Dear. U Bubble function has a character limit.
If you can’t write it all here, write it on Twitter. I want to see what everyone is saying.
— Taeyong
Taeyong also further revealed a snippet of a song that he was working on. The emotionally-charged melody reminded fans of a sunset drive and comfort. Needless to day, NCTzens were left speechless at his talent.
i finally realized what taeyong’s new unreleased song makes me think of… a happy ending for someone in a movie/series after the person went through lot of struggles 🥺 you know what i mean
— 竜ryu 🔗 (@nct_127) October 19, 2020
Many fans chose to send him love and support as well as their own happy memories.
this video saved me so many times whenever i want to run away from everything or even ending myself. thank you, i owe you alot. i love you.#툥블답장 #태용버블
— ً (@jaeyongsolo) October 19, 2020
Take a listen to the spoiler he released below.
the song sounds so good taeyong 😭
— 🌌💫 (@jjaedimples) October 19, 2020
Taeyong is currently promoting as part of NCT 2020‘s unit, NCT U. Send some love by watching the music video for “Make A Wish” below!