ARMY Who Accused EXO-LAB Of Cheating Apologizes For Their Actions
The ARMY who sparked the controversy earlier this year over possible illegal voting methods during the 33rd Golden Disc Awards has apologized for their actions.
In their apology, they stated that they were the one who posted a comment about EXO-LAB’s actions without reading their explanation first.
하지만 저는 엑행연님이 작성하셨던 해명문을 제대로 읽어보지 않았고, 그로인해 무작위로 전화 번호를 입력하였을 때 맞아떨어지면 고의성이 아닐 수도 있어 명의 도용으로 보기 힘들다는 사실을 모른 채 댓글을 달았습니다.
— [rest] (@restrest1111) April 15, 2019
Hello, I am the person who posted a comment on EXO-LAB’s post on January 6. At that time, when I heard about a fandom illegally voting, I left a comment for them saying ‘Please change your character in the future’.
However I did not properly read the explanation that EXO-LAB left, and when I randomly input a phone number to log in, I left a comment even though I knew that the phone number may not match with an EXO-L and that it would be difficult to realize that there was identity theft.
— restrest1111
The person continued, saying that they caused damage to the fanclub and apologized once again, promising to never do it again.
제가 작성하였던 댓글을 보시는 분들께서도 불편함을 느끼실 수도 있어 저의 댓글은 삭제하였습니다. 전후 사실을 이해하지 못한 저의 경솔함을 엑소행복연구소님께 진심으로 다시한번 사과드리며 차후에는 이런일이 반복되지 않도록 약속 드립니다. 죄송합니다.
— [rest] (@restrest1111) April 15, 2019
It wasn’t until later that I realized my comments cause mental damage to EXO-LAB and to the fans who supports EXO-LAB too. When I was writing my comments, I did not think it would be a crime, but the comments caused a wound. I sincerely apologize to EXO-LAB.
It will be uncomfortable for people to read the comments I wrote, so I have deleted them. Once again, I sincerely apologize to EXO-LAB and their fans for failing to understand the truth both before and after the situation. I promise not to do the same thing in the future. I am sorry.
— restrest1111
Following the spark of the issue, EXO-LAB had released their explanation sharing their side of the story, saying that no identities were stolen and even offered legal help to those who may have been affected. LG U+, the company behind the voting, confirmed that there were illegal votes, but did not share which groups were involved, leading to many assumptions.
EXO-L have been trending a variety of hashtags including #JUSTICEFOREXOLAB to raise awareness of the matter.