K-Pop Fan Receives A Sudden Video Call From The Most Unexpected Idol

What would you do in this type of situation?

K-Pop fans know just how nerve-racking K-Pop idol video calls can be. While it would be best to see your favorite idol in person, online fan call events are held so that fans from away or who can’t attend fan sign events can have a chance to chat with their fave idols.

VERIVERY video call | Facebook

One fan, in particular, received a sudden video call from the fan sign event they had a day before and was shocked when they picked up!


I suddenly received a video call from the video call place I had yesterday and I was so shocked when BTOB’s Yook Sung Jae appeared.

The OP had every right to be shocked as they were a Triple S fan and had a video call with the group the day before. But as the fan sign event organizers called them again, although confused, picked up the call.

Netizens couldn’t help but laugh as it always seemed to be BTOB involved in these types of situations.

Hahah it feels like the whole world is trying to make funny stories for BTOB.

Funny episodes about BTOB are like magnets. So jealous.

It’s hilarious how the OP still pressed screen record while picking up the call.

So f*cking funny…why is it BTOB again…they were born with a funny bone I’m sure of it.

I wondered whose fans they are. And after seeing the OP’s account I can’t stop laughing.

I guess BTOB is just born to be comedians whether they want to or not!

Source: instiz


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