Kyla Just Opened An Instagram, Fans Think It’s Because She Left PRISTIN

What does this mean?

PRISTIN‘s Kyla just opened up her new personal Instagram account, which has left fans split on what exactly the future outlook for both her and PRISTIN are. With her first post’s caption stating “And so the adventure begins ๐ŸŒธ๐Ÿƒ”, the confusion grows as fans don’t understand what exactly she means.

She also uploaded another picture with the caption “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself ๐Ÿฅ€๐Ÿ–ค”. Both of her uploaded pictures, as well as her profile picture, are believed to be from PRISTIN’s debut era with “WEE WOO”, adding to the mystery.

Some fans believe that because Kyla opened up her own personal Instagram, that she has left PRISTIN. They even believe that Kyla’s short trip back to Korea was to officially terminate her contract with Pledis Entertainment.

Not all hope was lost however, as other fans believe Kyla’s return with her own personal Instagram is instead a sign for PRISTIN’s comeback after nearly 2 years of hiatus.

Even though Kyla just made her own personal Instagram, she has been active on her photography Instagram since its creation in November 2018. Most recently, she uploaded a picture she took in Korea’s subway system.


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