PRISTIN Members Reach Out To Disappointed Fans With Social Media Posts

They asked for support, not anger.

After the news of their disbandment, PRISTIN members – like Nayoung, Siyeon, and Kyla – are reaching out to the disappointed fans through social media posts explaining the situation and asking for their continuous support.


On each of their personal Instagram accounts, now former PRISTIN members have shared how they feel about the disbandment, where they plan on going with their careers post the girl group, and ultimately, what they expect from the fans. Nayoung shared that she is “sorry that PRISTIN is no longer able to come together as one” but that she needs support in starting a new chapter in her life.

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안녕하세요 임나영입니다. 우선 좋지 않은 소식으로 인사드리게 되어 죄송합니다. 지금까지 활동을 하면서 언제나 저에게 힘이 되어 주었던 ‘하이’와 항상 응원해주시고 격려해주신 모든 분들께 감사의 인사를 드립니다. 이제 프리스틴으로 인사드릴 수 없게 되어 ‘하이’와 모든 분들께 정말 죄송합니다. 저는 지난 2011년부터 함께 했던 플레디스라는 둥지를 떠나 새롭게 시작을 준비하고 있습니다. 회사에 있는 동안 아낌없는 지원을 해주신 플레디스 식구분들께 감사드립니다. 지금까지 저를 응원해주신 모든 분들을 잊지 않으며, 한걸음 더 성장하기 위해 더욱더 열심히 하는 임나영이 되겠습니다. 그리고 기쁜 일, 슬픈 일 항상 함께한 프리스틴 멤버들의 응원도 부탁드립니다. 끝이 있으면 새로운 시작도 있다고 하듯이, 프리스틴은 끝이 났지만 임나영의 새로운 시작을 앞으로 지켜봐 주시고 좋은 모습 보여드릴 수 있도록 항상 노력하는 사람이 되겠습니다. 감사합니다.

A post shared by 임나영 (@nayoung_lim95) on

Translation: “Hello, this is Nayoung. I apologize that I have to share this bad news. I wanted to thank the fans and everyone else who were so supportive and loving throughout my promotion with PRISTIN. I am truly sorry that PRISTIN is no longer able to come together as one. Since 2011, Ive been with PLEDIS Entertainment. Now that I’ve left the agency, I’m preparing for a new chapter in my life. I’d like to also thank the PLEDIS family for having supported me endlessly while I was a part. I will never forget anyone who has encouraged me to this day. And I will work harder to become a better Nayoung. Please continue to support my fellow PRISTIN teammates who have been through so much thick and thin together. Where there is an end, there is a new beginning. PRISTIN may be over, but I’m just starting now. I hope you can find it in your hearts to continue supporting and encouraging me on my journey to become someone better. Thank you.”


Former member Siyeon also uploaded her statement on her Instagram, sharing that she was happy to have been a part of PRISTIN and to have been loved so much by her fans. Siyeon also encouraged the fans to continue looking out for her and all of PRISTIN’s members and follow their endeavors after the disbandment.

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안녕하세요 박시연입니다. 먼저 안 좋은 소식으로 인사드리게 되어 죄송합니다. 플레디스에서의 11년과 프리스틴으로서의 2년 동안 한결같이 사랑해주신 하이 분들 덕분에 정말 행복한 날들을 보낼 수 있었습니다. 감사합니다 프리스틴으로서의 활동은 여기서 끝이지만, 앞으로 박시연으로서 여러분들에게 받은 사랑 보답할 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 오랜 시간 동안 함께했던 우리 멤버들의 새로운 시작도 함께 지켜봐 주시고 응원해주셨으면 좋겠습니다. 이때까지 프리스틴을 사랑해주시고 기다려주신 모든 분들께 너무 죄송하고 감사합니다.

A post shared by 박시연 (@0_0.1114) on

Translation: “Hello, this is Siyeon. I apologize I come sharing bad news. Throughout my 11 years at PLEDIS Entertainment and 2 years as a part of PRISTIN, I was really happy – thanks to my fans who remained so supportive all those years. PRISTIN ends here, but I will move forward and work on giving back the love that I received from the fans. Please continue to watch and support all the members’ new beginnings. I’m so sorry to have kept everyone waiting so long. Thank you so much for your patience and loyalty.”


Another member Kyla, who has not been active in promoting with the group since long before the disbandment, asked the fans “not to be upset and angry, but rather joyous of the memories that [they’ve] had together” in her long statement uploaded in English.

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Dear HIghs, I am so devastated that I have to be uploading this post and I know that so many of you have a million questions. For now, I just want to say I am so sorry and also incredibly grateful to all of you who have supported us from the beginning from when we were Pledis Girlz to now. While Pristin has officially disbanded, I would like to ask you all not to be upset and angry, but rather joyous of the memories that we've had together and all of the amazing things we have accomplished. Moving forward, I hope you all will find it in your hearts to support me as Kyla Massie instead of Pristin Kyla. I had been with Pledis for approximately 9 years now and I am very lucky to have had this amazing experience and to have had such a wonderful second family. Thank you. It has been a rollercoaster ride the past 2 years and I couldn't be more grateful to all of the people who have supported us over this time. Thank you so much. I love you with all of my heart. 사랑해요 우리 하이분들. ❤

A post shared by Kyla Massie (@kylamassie.s) on


PRISTIN fans remain completely heartbroken at the news of the group’s disbandment, but as the members come forward with such apologetic statements, they are promising to stay supportive and excited for the members’ brighter futures.

Source: OSEN


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