Producers of “Reply 1988″ respond to netizen criticisms to Hyeri’s casting

In response to negative reactions from netizens in regard to Hyeri‘s casting in upcoming tvN drama Reply 1988, producers have released an official statement. 

On June 1st, a staff representative from the producers of the upcoming drama addressed the flood of criticism from netizens, defending their casting choice. The staff member explained, “We chose Hyeri in the first place is because she was best fit for the role and we firmly believe that she will be able to exceed expectations. The main characters for two other ‘Reply’ dramas, Go Ara and Eunji, both faced controversies when their castings were first announced. However, they were able to beat the controversy because of their acting, and we believe Hyeri will also do the same and turn this crisis into an opportunity.”

The Girl’s Day member is not new to acting, having recently played roles in SBS drama Hyde, Jekyll, Me,  as well as in jTBC drama Seonam Girls’ High School Investigators. To prepare for her role in Reply 1988, Hyeri has been carefully studying the past characters in the Reply series, and has also consulted with producers on how to best portray her character .

tvN’s Reply 1988 will begin organizing its filming production after Oh, My Ghost, the follow-up drama of current tvN drama, Ex-Girlfriend Club, finishes airing in the latter half of 2015.

Source: Donga

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