YouTuber Goes “Undercover” To Experience Working For A Korean “Rent A Girlfriend” Service

Her two experiences were complete opposites.

“Rent a girlfriend/boyfriend” services can be used in multiple ways. For instance, in 2018, a Chinese app providing a “rent a girlfriend” service gained an immense amount of users around the Lunar New Year’s holiday, so people could visit their families with someone rather than being pressured by family to settle down and get married.

| Reuters

A similar app in Korea focuses on a “rent a boyfriend” service that some users even rely on to help them get advice on major life decisions, get coffee for coworkers, and attend a funeral.

Scene from the K-Drama “Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo”

Recently, one YouTuber, Kelsey the Korean, went “undercover” to find out what working for one of these rental services actually entails. After submitting her height, age, and pictures, the agency quickly set her up with two jobs.

But before the “dates,” the service gave Kelsey particular rules about how their service actually works, most of which emphasize the workers’ safety. For instance, if the users want to extend the “date,” they must pay an extra $50 USD per hour before the “date” continues.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

When Kelsey applied to be one of these “girlfriends,” she was surprised that the service suggested she lie about her age and height to fit the client’s criteria. They even gave her specific suggestions, like memorizing her fake age’s zodiac sign and pretending she didn’t know her exact height.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

Similarly, the service offered Kelsey the choice to use a fake name for her safety, although she was also allowed to use her real name. The service also handles all the communication between them and doesn’t give the client her number. And it’s completely “forbidden” that the client ask to exchange phone numbers once they’ve met.

To further ensure their safety, the service has clients sign a form that prohibits them from touching the workers at all.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

And, of course, the service gave Kelsey advice, like not getting into cars or going into private rooms, suggesting she stick to open places with other people instead. They also told Kelsey not to call a guy “oppa, because, apparently, guys get a boner from hearing that. That’s what she literally said.” And also suggested that Kelsey avoid calling the clients by name and gesture to them instead.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

As for Kelsey’s specific experiences, she met up with her first client, who was a frequent user of the service and known for being a “gentleman,” and was surprised that he was “not awkward.”

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

As for their “date,” they went to dinner, and then because Kelsey had told him she was “a freelance fashion model,” they went shopping for summer clothes.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

When Kelsey asked why he used the service, the man explained that he’d used it six times so far because “he was having difficulty getting a blind date.

What he said was he was having difficulty getting a blind date because he doesn’t want to date from his work, obviously. And in his department, there is not a lot of girls anyway. He didn’t want to ask his friends for a blind date, and he’s the typical Korean guy where he doesn’t want to use dating apps.

And unfortunately, I don’t see dating apps going well for him because dating apps tend to be based on looks. And we all know that for guys, it’s only like the top whatever percent that actually gets a match.

So his only chance was to basically go into the real world after work in a bar and talk to someone or get a blind date.

— Kelsey

And when Kelsey asked if it “was a downside” that he wouldn’t be able to get her number, the man indicated that it didn’t matter since they could still meet if he “[paid] again.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

Ultimately, even though the client wasn’t “creepy at all,” Kelsey didn’t think the money was worth the time, especially when she had to factor in her travel time and pay for a cab.

| Kelsey the Korean/YouTube

However, Kelsey’s second experience working for the service was extremely different. This time she met up with two guys, who each “rented a girlfriend,” and when she later looked at the profile for one, she was shocked to see him in a picture with his wife and baby.

Why would a guy that has a wife and a kid, on a weekday at 8-11 P.M, meet up with this guy that he’s barely friends with and rent two girlfriends?

— Kelsey

You can listen to Kelsey’s full experience here.

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