Sandara Park Claims Her Secret to Never Aging Is Instant Food

If Sandara says so, it must be true.

Fashion N’s Follow Me recently held a press conference according to COVID-19’s social distancing guidelines, where Sandara Park gave an unexpected answer to how she maintains her youthful visuals.

When asked about her secret to always looking young, Sandara Park shared that eating instant food helps.

I think it’s effective for me to eat instant food which are full of preservatives.

– Sandara Park



She then went on to share another secret that fans probably weren’t expecting.

Also, my secret is to stay immature. I’m not saying I get into trouble. But I think it’s good to live a fun life.

– Sandara Park

And when Ahn Hyun Mo heard this, he shared his own take on what Sandara Park had just said.

I think what she means to say is that her secret is to eat instant food in an enjoyable manner without getting stressed.

– Ahn Hyun Mo

Whatever the interpretation, Sandara Park picked instant food and enjoying life as her two secrets to looking young.

If Sandara Park says it’s true, it’s got to be, right?

Or maybe it’s just genetics.

Follow Me is a review content program that deals with fashion, beauty, IT, life, and food with a panel of celebrities as well as experts in the field.



Source: Dispatch


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