“Single’s Inferno 4” Yuk Jun Seo’s Biggest “Red Flag” Moments

Viewers have criticized his onscreen (and off-screen) behavior.

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Single’s Inferno 4 cast member Yuk Jun Seo has gone from being one of the show’s most popular cast members to being one of the most divisive. Throughout the series, viewers have voiced their opinions on his behavior toward fellow cast members, and more. Here are 6 of Jun Seo’s so-called “red flag” moments so far.

Yuk Jun Seo | Netflix

1. Pushing Lee Sian

A “bed scene” date featuring Lee Si An and Jun Seo became one of the show’s most-discussed moments. In particular, some viewers felt that Jun Seo used too much force to push Si An back down when she sat up in the bed.

2. Getting Kim Min Seol’s hopes up

Was Jun Seo was unfair, cruel even, to dangle a date to Paradise in front of Min Seol?

3. Ignoring Chung You Jin

This scene featuring Jun Seo and You Jin rubbed many viewers the wrong way. Jun Seo received scathing criticism for not interacting with her in the communal space.

4. Allegations about his past

While much of viewers’ criticism stems from Single’s Inferno 4, some of Jun Seo’s off-screen behavior has also been called into question. The UDT soldier-turned-artist-and-actor allegedly created a cartoon that came under fire in 2021 for its offensive content.

A thread about Yuk Jun Seo who is currently gaining attention for appearing on Single’s Inferno, featuring his past offensive remarks about mothers, peoples with disabilities, and prostitution.

— @masterofjgp/X

5. “Trash talking” You Jin

In one episode, a tipsy You Jin decided to have some fun swinging on Inferno’s swings. Some viewers weren’t happy about Jun Seo’s reaction to You Jin in front of other female cast members.

6. Hypocrisy

In one episode, Si An spoke candidly to Jun Seo about her feelings. According to viewers, Jun Seo reacted much differently to Si An than he did to You Jin, who–like Si An–had expressed interest in Theo Jang.

Read more about Single’s Inferno 4 here:

The “Single’s Inferno 4” Stars With The Most (And Least) Screen Time

Single's Inferno

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