Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon Opens Up About Her Father’s Passing In Letter To Fans

She opened up to her fans.

Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon has opened up to her fans about her father’s passing, which was also on her birthday.

She posted on her social media for the first time since her father’s passing, with a picture of her with her parents. In her post, which was uploaded at 3:09 pm, signifying both her birthday and the day her father passed away, she thanked all of her fans for their support.

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2020년 3월 9일 저에게 많은 축하와 위로를 해주신 모든 분들께 깊은 감사의 인사를 전하고 싶습니다. 숫자로 가늠할 수 없을 만큼의 많은 분들이 저에게 닿았고 저를 따뜻하게 안아주시고 토닥여 주셨어요. 저는 깊은 사랑과 따뜻한 위로를 안은 채 앞으로도 잘 살아가겠습니다. 먼 걸음 한 번에 달려와주신 분들, 그리고 멀리서도 정성껏 진심으로 마음 전해주신 분들.. 감사한 분들께 일일이 다 찾아뵙고 인사드리지 못하는 점 깊은 양해부탁드려요. 저를 비롯한 우리 가족들에게 3월 9일은 정말 잊지 못할 날이 될 것 같습니다. 저희 아빠는 제가 어렸을 적 음악을 시작한 첫 날 부터 함께 해 주셨어요. 먼저 나서서 차에 시동을 걸어놓으시고 딸을 위해 그렇게 움직이셨어요. 지금도 어디선가 우리 모두를 위해 먼저 움직이고 계실 거예요. 좋은 곳에서 내려다 보시며 우리를 지켜주고 계실거라 믿어요. 마지막으로 함께 걱정해주시고 최선을 다 해 주신 모든 분들께 감사드리고 아빠! 저 태연이가 정말 많이 사랑해요👨‍👧💜

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I would like to express my deep gratitude to everyone who sent me messages, both congratulating me [on my birthday] and comforting me [about my father’s passing] on March 9, 2020.

So many people reached out to me, embraced me warmly, and comforted me. With the deep love and comfort, I will continue to live well.

To those people who came to me right away and to those people who sent their sincerity from far away… I would like to ask for your understanding as I am unable to reach out to each and every person to thank you.

For both my family and myself, March 9 will be a day that we will be unable to forget.

My father has been with me every since the first day I started in music when I was young. He would turn on the car ignition before I even got in the car, and he would always be moving for his daughter. Even now, I’m sure he is still moving, one step ahead of all of us. I believe he is looking over us from a good place, and watching over us.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has been worried about us, and tried their best for us. And Dad! Taeyeon loves you so much.

— Taeyeon

Taeyeon’s father passed away on March 9 due to a heart attack. Due to his passing, SM Entertainment postponed the release of Taeyeon’s single “HAPPY”, which was slated to be released on March 9 in conjunction with her birthday.

Girls’ Generation’s Taeyeon’s Father Has Passed Away

Girls' Generation

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