Korean Man Beats Up Woman For Asking Him To Leave The Ladies’ Room

He was charged with attempted murder.

Content Warning

This article includes descriptions of violence that may disturb some readers.

A man has been sentenced to prison for brutally assaulting a woman after she asked him to leave the ladies’ room at Busan Station.

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| Haps Magazine

The incident occurred in October 2023. The perpetrator, a man in his 50s, attacked the victim, a woman in her 50s after she asked him to leave the women’s bathroom at the Busan Station. He hit her so hard that it caused severe injuries, including a skull fracture. The intensity of the hits displayed a clear intention to kill the woman.

After being arrested, the perpetrator told the police that he was upset over the victim’s complaint about him being in the ladies bathroom, and hence, he attacked her. Initially, investigators planned to charge him with assault, but they changed it to an attempted murder charge after discovering that he had struck the victim on her head and other body parts near vital organs repeatedly.

In addition to the prison time, the man was also ordered to wear a location-tracking electronic ankle monitor for 10 years after his sentence. The court rejected the culprit’s claim that he didn’t intend to kill the victim. The judge added that he deserved a heavy punishment for inflicting unprovoked violence on a random stranger and even left her injured, being fully aware that she could die.

This marks yet another disturbing incident of random violence against women in South Korea. Recently, a younger woman was attacked in Jinju by a random stranger after he suspected her to be a feminist. You can read more about the incident here.

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