Korean College’s Innovative Way Of Taking Attendance Has BTOB’s Changsub Shookt

Us too, bro.

BTOB‘s Changsub has been starring in the OOTB Studio reality series Jeon Gwa Ja. Jeon Gwa Ja refers to someone who transfers departments. Every episode, Changsub experiences a new department in a college in South Korea.

In a recent episode, he sat in on a Thai lesson at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Before the lesson started, he had to do what everyone in university does — take attendance!

Back in the day, attendance was taken manually by the Teaching Assistants. In Korean colleges, this is usually done before the actual lecture commences by roll call. Now, befitting the digital age, students scan a unique QR code displayed during class.

The method seems to be a surefire way to prevent students from skipping class, as they have to scan it using their university’s exclusive app. Changsub was shocked by the newfangled method of attendance-taking.

All of the other students seemed to be unfazed as they quickly scanned the code.

Changsub did not have the app and compromised by taking a “finger scan” instead. Watch his palpable shock at the technology below.

Netizens began to discuss the QR code way of attendance-taking, with many reminiscing on the good old days.

Netizen reactions to the QR code. | theqoo
  • “I’ve tried both ways. If the professor is strict on attendance, they do both.”
  • “From a few years back, we used location-based apps. And if anyone didn’t mark their attendance, the professor would call for them again.”
  • “For us, we used Bluetooth apps to take attendance. So as long as you were around the lecture hall, you’d be taken down.”
  • “Seems like…I’m a grandma.”
  • “Wow…???? We roll-called or passed around a sheet…”

Looks like technology really is advancing!

Source: theqoo


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