Kim Ho Joong’s Manager Confesses To “Swallowing” The Evidence Of The Singer’s DUI Incident

He claimed to have taken an extreme measure to hide the truth.

Korea’s top trot singer Kim Ho Joong, who was previously reported to be involved in a hit-and-run incident, recently admitted to his crime after five days of denying it. In a recent investigation, his manager confessed to the absurd method he used to cover up Kim’s crime.

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Kim Ho Joong | Chosun Ilbo

Initially, Kim’s manager claimed that it was him who was driving the car. The police couldn’t validate this testimony due the black box footage from the vehicle was missing. The manager, who was suspected of evidence tampering, later admitted that he had “swallowed the memory card.” The memory card was eventually never found.

The police are still investigating the circumstances of the drunk-driving incident. Apart from Kim’s vehicle, the memory cards from two other vehicles previously used by the singer before and after the accident have also disappeared, making things muddier.

The case began on May 14, when a CCTV video was released showing a car claimed to be Kim Ho Joong’s crashing into a taxi and fleeing the scene. He initially denied the claims, and his CEO took the blame instead. However, he was caught lying to the police and was put under investigation. The singer still continued to hold concerts after his controversy was revealed to the public. His concert in Gimhae scheduled for June 1 and 2 has since been canceled.

Source: Chosun Ilbo
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