20 Of The “Run BTS!” Editors’ Most Over The Top Compliments

There’s only one thing the editors love more than teasing BTS: complimenting them.

The editors of BTS‘s variety show, Run BTS!, love their jobs a little too much, and it shows. Their savage captions and mischievous editing make fans laugh like crazy, but if there’s one thing the editors love more than teasing BTS, it’s complimenting them. Here are just 20 of the editors’ most over the top compliments.

1. Even angels would be jealous

2. Do you smell something burning?

3. No special effects needed

4. This question that can’t be answered

5. Too charming for anybody’s good

6. fangirl-detected.jpg

7. “Go hospital plz.” – Jin

8.  The editors aren’t biased. Not even a little bit.

9. …and yours too?

10. The suit doesn’t hurt either

11. Where is this cafe?

12. These necessary ALL CAPS

13. Jin’s blinding beauty

14. No exaggeration whatsoever

15. Art imitating life

16. Our favorite snack

17. FYI, they meant “every day’s”

18. What kind of eyes?

19. Toothpaste vocals

20. This warning label

BONUS: The Vlive editor who fell madly in love with RM

BTS’s Fangirly Editor Was Ready To Risk It All For RM


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