Woori Actors Releases Statement About Former AOA Member Mina’s Health Status And Future

They shared an update on Mina.

Former AOA member Mina is currently signed under Woori Actors, and the agency released a statement about Mina’s current health condition and her future.

Their statement they released to the press contained information about the events that transpired on July 3, as well as Mina’s current health and future plans for her.

Hello, this is Woori Actors.

We would like to give our statement about what happened with our actress Mina.

On July 3, we were contacted by many reporters and fans because of what happened on social media. All of the calls that were made to our agency were transferred to our CEO’s cell phone, and he personally answered these calls.

We did not release our official statement even though we received more than 100 calls because we were unable to release a statement about the events that Mina went through while she was her previous agency.

We continued to respond to such calls even without an official statement release as we wanted to explain the situation going on and reassure those who were worried. We also wanted to prevent speculative articles from being written.

Our top priorities at all times were the mental stability and safety of Mina. We want to take this chance to thank the reporters who understood that fact, and did their best to be accurate and clear with their articles.

Mina is currently resting and stabilizing herself. She was able to endure such difficult times thanks to the love and support she received from many people around her.

For now, we will do our best to help Mina receive psychological treatment so she can return with good health.

Due to this incident, Mina is worried about whether she can continue her dream and promote as an actress. We promise we will do our best to make sure that Mina can recover her health and become an actress that can fully show off her abilities. We ask for your continued love and support for Mina.

Also, we realize that there are malicious rumors and comments in various communities. That will only result in more victims. We would like for those rumors to stop being spread, so there will be no more victims.

Finally, we want to apologize for causing concern, and once again, we sincerely thank everyone for the love and support everyone has given to Mina.

— Woori Actors

On July 3, Mina first uploaded a series of posts, revealing an AOA member bullied her to the point of extreme thoughts. Jimin responded to such allegations, but then Mina continued to share posts detailing what happened to her. She even revealed how her agency at the time, FNC Entertainment, did not take any corrective action. Early on the morning of July 4, she posted her final update on the situation, revealing Jimin apologized to her.

Source: Sports Donga

Former AOA's Mina vs. Jimin's Bullying Allegations

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